Monday, October 16, 2006

Last Night's Dream

Though I am a fan of his music, I'm not sure that I could pick Jack White out of a crowd. However, I did see someone who looked a lot like what I think he looks like Sunday afternoon in Restoration Hardware. I'm not certain enough to claim a celebrity sighting, but certain enough that he made it into last night's dream, which went as follows:

I am walking into the auditorium in my hometown church when someone's hand is on my shoulder hurrying me through the door. The hand belongs to none other than Ryan Adams, and apparently he's in a hurry since he, Jack White, and Emmylou Harris are doing some sort of benefit concert and/or recording in the church's auditorium (never mind that the hometown church most likely would never allow either Jack or Ryan, much less their musical instruments, within 500 feet of the property. Emmylou, however, might get a free pass). Anyways, I'm sitting on the front row pew, but looking back over my shoulder since the three are not playing on stage, but have set up shop amidst the pews across the middle of the auditorium. I don't remember much of the concert, except a beautiful piano ballad (Ryan on piano, Emmy on vocals, Jack apparently just watching). I even remember a line from the song:

"And there's really nothing left of us. Not you, the love, or any of that stuff."

A really crappy lyric, but a bit unsettling as well. However, since Emmylou was singing it, it was quite beautiful. Abruptly, though, the concert/recording ended. Edsel, who is an older gentlemen and prior elder at the hometown church, then got up to read announcements. Apparently in a couple of Sunday nights we were going to join another congregation for worship. He warned us that their service went on longer than ours, but basically not to complain because it shouldn't be a problem to give, in his words, "an extra fifteen minutes to the Lord."
In my pew I nodded in agreement: "No, it shouldn't be a problem. Not at all." I then turned and sitting next to me was my dad, dressed in full camoflague. He even had on camouflagey face-paint, like he was getting ready to go ambush the Viet Cong or something. I was just about to ask him why he was dressed for a jungle raid when I woke up.


Blogger Katie said...

Um....the idea of your dad in camo makes me giggle.

You should create better song lyrics in your dreams...that one is disturbing.

8:56 AM  

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