The other day I was running on a treadmill. When I'm running on a treadmill, in an effort to combat the boredom, my mind wanders in an effort to distract and to waste time. Usually it plays a song. This time, however, it went way back in the vault and played the following chorus, over and over:
So watch out! Watch out for Goofy!
Watch out for Goofy
He's a disco demolition.
Watch out! Watch out for Goofy!
Watch out for Goofy
We love him but he just can't dance!
Yes, it is that immortal disco classic, "Watch Out For Goofy", from the timeless album Disco Mickey Mouse (I included the exclamation points because the singer was very adamant about the threat of a dancing Goofy). Unfortunately, since the rhythm of the song matched the pace of the treadmill, the chorus was repeated over and over, until even days later I find myself singing it under my breath. This album (for back then, it was an album) came out in 1979, and, as far as I can tell, is out of print and unavailable online. Which is sad because I actually thought about downloading it (this, in turn, is also sad). I also couldn't find any lyrics anywhere, and since I can only remember that stupid chorus, that is what I'm stuck with. Even now as I'm typing, I'm tempted to sing it to myself. It is just that catchy.